Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nature vs. Nurture

I've been thinking a lot about the notion of nature vs. nurture.

Which one is more stronger and has a more lasting result on someones life. Their nature or their nurture...that is the question?

I would like for you guys who read this post to just answer as well...what do you think? Either write your name or put it down as anon, but I would love as much in put as possible.

I think in the end your nature tends to win out more...I mean our nature is more of who we are naturally without any influences. Now don't get me wrong some people have better or more acceptable nature's than others, but that is neither here nor there.

I grew up in a West Indian Christin household. So I got a very good education in a lot of things that was all my culture and all Jesus. So when I was very young and doing me (I was very fast...what can I say?? :-) lol) I was doing stuff with boys. I didn't know that it was being gay, or that it was wrong.

It felt natural to feel this felt right. I didn't feel bad about it, until I got older and then I realized that what I was doing was called being gay. At this point I was also messing with girls...mostly because they would throw themselves at me so I turned up the boy on girl fun.

I got it from the West Indian side and the Church side that being gay was wrong, and it was very bad. So I tried my best to listen, but it felt wrong to not be honest about myself. It felt wrong to deny myself...myself, but I tried my very best.

It wasn't until I really started to ask why is it wrong, and I went through a real self-hating phase. When I started to ask better questions I got better answers. I realized that in Bible colleges where they really go deep that there is proof to show that the church is wrong about homosexuality, but students are advised not to go there.

That is why so few preachers/pastors use the bible effectively to speak against being gay. They know just fall back on it is wrong, where they go in with everything else. Very interesting.

So I knew in the scripture I was OK, but I wanted more, so I started talking to scientist, doctors, psychiatrist, and psychologist. I was cleared on that front too.

I needed more though. Something about the way the church operated always rubbed me the wrong way. I mean there are about 80,000 different Christian denominations out there. I just found out that the Pentecost movement alone didn't really get started since about 150 years ago. I mean I am starting to love the pentecostal atmosphere, coming from a Catholic one.

So I needed more...I felt good, but I needed something stronger. Than I realized we are supposed to be Christians. We are suppose to have the nature of Christ.

So I knew my nature already, I just needed to accept it. One way that helped is that I realized that Jesus came for those of us that felt out of place. He came for the outcast...not the people in the church who felt they had all the answers. It is true what they say if Christ was to walk into your church you'd have no idea that you were seeing the Son of God.

Most churches would treat him indifferently.

Now back to this paper and for me to see about this quiz. Today is my chorus performance and I gotta go shopping for a white shirt. All the other ones I had I gave away to the Salvation Army. Time to go spend some money!!!! And I get like $50 bucks today. Not a lot, but my well is starting to runneth over again. :-)



  1. Combination of both

  2. I think it the key is to make your nature and nurture work for you, and in harmony. Easier said than done.

  3. Nature wins out in the end.

    That is why it isn't safe to raise a lion...after awhile it's nature will win out and you'll end up eaten.

    Or those with other animals know. I had a cat that even after it would eat, would go out and kill mice and was in it's nature. Nothing more to it.

  4. Nature wins out in the end. Nurture helps, but nature wins out in the end. It is what it is...what can I say.

  5. Nature is who you are naturally.

    Nurture is needed for the balance. But I say be true to who you are...your nature is how God intended, and nurturing is you falling in love with God's nature for you and making it work for you.
