Monday, April 16, 2012

German, French, and Italian...

Hello All,

I had a great time yesterday. It was a day full of music and just talking with some really great people. I am getting all my music down, but with 4 days to go before my recital I am feeling the pinch, but at this point I am just ready for it to be over. I ready to have fun, and just ROCK IT OUT!!!!! :-)

Side note: My boyfriend told me some very disturbing things about his church that did kinda bum me out. It was just pure prejudice, hate, and bigotry. It makes me sad as a Christian, to hear young men and women of God talk and plan such hateful things. Just shows me how far we have to go, and how the problem isn't an external one, but the fact the body of Christ is being poisoned from the inside.

It is like someone eating themselves to death, or smoking, or drinking. They are killing themselves without abandon.

On the other side Van is freaking out about graduating, but I know he can pull it around and get a grade good enough to at least pass the class and move on. I want him to kick ass in the class, but at this point we both just want to be out so I am all for just passing and moving on. I did it with my chemistry class...I begged my teachers to pass me, saying I needed it to graduate and move on. He gave me a C. =)

Time to get my day started. Gotta drive my father to the airport. I am in a big need for a vacation and I haven't been back to the Islands in about 3-4 years now. I miss the beach, food, and my West Indian people.

Still working on my businesses, I gotta get back into the gym, and MY MUSIC!!!!!

Everyone have a great day, and let's make our dreams happen.


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