Thursday, April 18, 2013


So these past few days have been hell on my body. I gotta take better care of it...God's temple ain't no joke.

So musically things are going great...getting back to that great technique...headshots coming in, auditions lined up, and business is looking better than ever.

I know that the way to my future lies in me singing there...whether it is musical or not. I already know I got something big coming.

My next challenge is to raise these investment funds. Besides that I have been asked to do 3 albums. I don't know what the hell to do. I am asked to do a musical theatre album. They said that it will be songs covered by men...not sure how many are done by low voices that are current, but I already have Ol' Man River and there was a caribbean musical that I did in high school. Can't remember it, but I will find it.

Then I have an album of my own originals...meaning that I need to get into writing them. I only have 3 done that I really really like.

The last one that I need to do is an album of Arias and my recital music. I was asked to do them so I believe I am going to get my studio time for free...maybe gotta do some bartering.

On other news I have picked up many people who want me to help them learn how to sing and vocal coaching. :-D

There is one guy who I used to work with at my school when I did Work Study in the Athletics Department. He always gave me a gay vibe...I got him to sing for me today and he has a nice voice. He sings really nice...not all that full but he has the ability to grow a lot.

He is also West Indian (he's Haitian), and we get along really good. Not sure what his deal is, but he gives me the same gay vibe as Van did. Only difference is that I think his issue is the whole West Indian training part...but that is way easier than a religious one...though a friend called him a religious zealot.

I don't think that is a fair assessment.

So that is where I am for right now. Not that I am going to do anything with him. I still keep in my mind that everyone is infected until proven otherwise. Not everyone is like me...not everyone is going to be honest and gets tested and takes their health and sexual health in high regard...sad but true.

So since that is the norm I have to be exceptional.

Is it bad that I just want to sleep and wake up and have everything done for me already. But that is not the way life works.

Love my life...things are really getting to be bigger than me so I have to rely on God. This is so much more than me.

The one thing I am scared about is losing myself as things go on...I wanna obviously grow and change, but I know that power, prestige, and status does things to some people...I gotta lean on God even more.

More updates as time goes on.

Tomorrow is a day that I stay home and get things done that I don't have to leave for.

Time for bed...


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