Monday, July 23, 2012

Why does everything hurt so much??

For some reason my head, knees, and back are killing me!!!!

What is going on?!!?!?!

I haven't been sleeping right, and I know I got somethings to work out and get knocked outta the park. Time to reset.

Going to call it an early night talking to the kids or Tony and Pastor. They have been great, but...anyway. :-)

So I have no real updates for you guys...things are coming along, but they are coming along slowly. I hope that things speed up, but that is not in my control.

Lord I need a vacation!!! And I want to just be excellence Lord...I want everything to be as great as it can be. I know that I have to do my part. God has done his part and continues to do his part...he wakes me up every morning so I know I have something still left to do.

AAAHHHH!!!!! I MISS...nothing. Just wanted to yell. I am doing everything I can to stay away and not call. I have to stay strong...but I don't even know if what I am being is strong or prideful...I know he is prideful. :-P

Lemme get some food and then lay down...I need to get back to 0.


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