Monday, July 23, 2012

Can you be saved and not delivered or are they the same thing??

Here is a convo that is going on...on Facebook:

I personally don't believe in "saved but, not delivered" doctrine. I feel like It's a false premise with NO biblical foundation. What are your thoughts? *Please use correct exegesis, feel free to use a lexicon. SPEAK-UP AND TALK INTO THE MIC!!!!

This is a conversation that is happening from one of V's friends. 

With people surrounding him like this I can see why he wanted me to keep my distance...they seem to be on the offensive looking to attack at any chance they get. Smh...

There are a lot of people commenting and honestly it is easy to feel a little overwhelmed. I like his post because I believe that once you accept Christ into your life and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost than you are saved and delivered.

I think that where the gap happens is in things that we feel have to be delivered from. When you really study and go in depth into the bible as all pastors, ministers, and the like are doing they get a deeper revelation.

But it is funny that people go in deep and use all the tools to show their causes and beliefs and reasoning's. But from this no one wants to go in deep. No one wants to do what they do for all other scripture.

Why aren't some of these leaders going into the bible like they do with everything else...I mean this is what they do:
  1. Go into the Greek
  2. Go into the Hebrew
  3. Look at the historical context to see what the meaning was for then, and to see how it pertained to them.
Why is it that they can do that on something as simple as God's Grace, but not on homosexuality. What are they covering up??

Here is one of the comments on the post that I really like and sheds light on the situation.

Salvation is deliverance from the penalty of our sin.... Deliverance however is liberty or freedom from condition/situations!!!! I can get "SAVED" while I'm in "IT".... Until GOD delivers me "FROM IT"!!!
My name is Rabbi Barmore and I approved this message! Lmbo

I like what he said. But what I am shocked is that no one ever ask what if I am wrong and this is not a problem. I mean people are so stuck in one way that they never open themselves up to see what God is really doing.

You'd think that all these people would stop and be like wait a minute...there are things in the bible we don't follow and I believe it for no reason than it was told to me. Let me be a smart and conscious Christian and think things through...

This is just my rant...

They also mentioned that Pastor Sheard said something about homosexuals, but he just stated it. He never once went in on why, and go in deep like they do for everything else. 

When i ask people why they do what they do now, they just give me an answer that basically means they are just following suit and it was how they were raised. All I can say is that I thank God for the people who challenged the bible and saw that God did not want us to live life like that anymore...from slavery, medicine, science, astrology/astronomy, sexuality, and equality. All things that the bible is clear on that everyone and their mama in most churches...especially Pentecostal churches don't follow.

I still talk to my friend who's grandparents believe that slavery and modern rights for blacks and women are still wrong and not of God. If I was to say that on that post all of them would say that those people were backwards and living in the past and it is wrong...funny how that works. :-)


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