Saturday, June 22, 2013

Night with My Opera Chorus Colleagues

I am sure I spelt one of those words wrong, but who cares. It's 2:15 am and I just got in from singing karaoke all night.

This was the first time I sang and I don't think I did very well. I mean some people where excited, but others weren't.

I don't know if they were just taking it in, or they didn't like my performance and my song choices.

Oh well, you cannot win everyone over. But I had a great time and that drive home was SICK!!!!

So need to move back into NYC. I've been looking at apartments...some of them are really cool. Things are moving people...things are moving. Just need to get out of my own way.

Now to bed cause tomorrow is a long drive to LI for a birthday party and to do some networking. I gotta find those business cards.

Happy 1st day of summer which has actually pasted, but w/e.



P.S. Next time I do karaoke I am going to have the keys worked out that I want to sing in before hand cause damn most male singers are HIGH!!!!! That and today I was feeling like a Basso so I had literally no top coming in. :-(

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