Sunday, November 11, 2012

When you ask God answers...but maybe not in the way you think.

I awoke this morning, and this was on my spirit. It came from me watching a funny, but heartfelt movie, and it really helped to open my eyes and mind to seeing more than one way.

It was simply this...when you pray for courage does God give you courage or give you the chance to have courage.

When you ask for anything does he give it to you, or does he give you the opportunity to have it, and obtain it?? It isn't always cut and dry, cause some things are not meant to be changed cause there is nothing wrong.

For example being born black, or into a very diverse family where your genetic make up is diverse and exotic.

Some other things that are not meant to be changed are people with certain "disabilities" that come around and change our lives. I know a few people who have gone as far as having no legs and arms, but go around the world teaching people to accept who they are and use that to make a difference. I know people born with diseases that attack their bones, and are stuck in wheelchairs, but have a thriving business and travels around the world and meets the most beautiful women.

Here is the video so you can see for yourself. It teaches us that there are more than one ways to see a story, because sometimes we get stuck in seeing it one way. Also the bible didn't say for the animals to be 2 by 2...the numbers are actually different. Won't get into that...I mean I just accepted that it was 2 by 2 my whole life...told you group ignorance is still ignorance.


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