Thursday, November 15, 2012

God works in mysterious ways

So I was pushed to go onto a site called OKCupid, by one of my friends and I wasn't about to do it.

I prefer to meet people in person, and have that great connection and see how things are going back and forth.

But OkCupid is an interesting site, cause they match you up pretty good. Not only did I find a church boy but his family is also from the South (Mississippi) like Van, and he is a singer. I must admit that I made this new guy sing for me, and he sounded ok, but he was lacking that sound that I have grown accustomed to.

I always said Van has a down south delta blues slave voice, and it has so much soul in it. Some things he sings it doesn't fit, but if he sticks to jazz type stuff and classical I think Van will do just fine.

But this new guy I will call him Sire, he also has a good voice, but I was doing some comparing, and that wasn't fair. Also what I figure is going on is that I am not really hearing his voice. There is this guy in my church and I never liked his voice when I first heard it, but then I realized I caught him on a off day.

But now that I hear hear him...THAT BOY CAN SANG!!!!! So since Sire has that straight up Baptist training, and grew up as that church boy I know he can get down. So I know that it was just an off day.

But me and this dude really really connect. I am really shocked as to how we just click.

Don't get me wrong now Van will always hold a special place in my heart, but this man is a force to be reckoned with. I mean he comes across as a total asshole sometimes, but he is a no nonsense man. He actually reminds me of the west indians in my life.

Another added bonus is that he is 6'2"...I haven't had a tall man in a while. Not that it mattered for me. I was always the tallest in all my relationships so Van fit right in, and he worked out great, but it will be interesting when I meet this guy and see how things go.

The last thing that bothered me about Sire was that he sounds a lil more feminine that I care for. But as I talk to him I realize that Van also had very fem talk. It was just that with Van I was used to it, and it was clear to see.

So with Sire I am putting it aside, and making a decision to feel him out. Cause he even addressed that...he said even though I am a lil more fem than some guys I am a man. And he went ahead and said what he wanted to say. But he does have some more feminine traits than Van and I am so not into the Fem thing, but we will see.

Just going to hang out and see if we really click.

I will say one thing...this man impressed me last night. We just clicked. Not sure where it will take us or what to expect, but I am very happy. I think he will be a very good friend, cause I need me a masculine man or one who is a little fem like Van...Sire maybe more fem than I want, but I will see.


P.S. I will always consider Van to be a friend, so if he was to ever need help or just want to talk and reconnect I am always here for him. But that is up to him, and until then I am having the time of my life. I am happy with where I am right now, cause things are going very very good. So I don't throw anyone away, and I am here if needed...

P.P.S. This man is such a hard ass...he won't let me get away with nothing. He has a lot of the qualities I loved in Van, and also the best thing is that he is a free thinker, and a critical thinker. He isn't about image and ego...he is about so much more. Thank God for this man...not sure what will come of it, but I am happy to have his influence in my much growth and change coming.

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