Monday, August 13, 2012

Moving Down South...again

Last night I just meant to go and see my best friend and his wife and get some dinner and talk.

It happened that my other bestfriend called just to say that she knows it is last minute, but she has decided to move down south, and she is leaving today.

I had to go see her, and so I pulled my friend with me so we can both go and tell her bye.

He really had to ask his wife for permission, and it was real scary. She gave us both looks like hell no. LOL

She did say she doesn't care about last minute stuff, but she eventually caved in and let him go telling me he only had 1 1/2 hrs and so that mean 11:30 he had to be back.

I am happy to say that I got him back home with 2 minutes to spare. It was not a game.

So another one of the Big 3 is leaving the State again, so we are planning some vacation time to go away and see her when she gets settled.

We also have decided that 1-2x a year, most likely 1x a year b/c of other obligations we are going to take vacations as a group. I am guessing it is going to be vacations with whoever significant other can come.

 kind of want to do one with just the Big 3 and then another one with the Big 3 and all our significant others, but we will have to work that out and see how it goes.

Other than that I am feeling really good, and I have to get on this phone and start making these phone calls.

Happy Monday everyone


P.S. I know that when I go out and date there is going to be no one like Van. I just have to deal and accept that. But it is already very clear that there is no one can and will take his place. Louis said the samething about another girl...who to be honest if timing was better she woulda been his wife. But I digress...he even said that with her he has to be very careful and she holds a place no one can fill or take. Of course he cannot tell his wife that...she is jealous and suspicious of all women as it is. :-)

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