Thursday, January 10, 2013

STI and STD: Why aren't people smarter??

So I have gotten news of people getting HIV, Chlamydia,  Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and all sorts of other diseases. It is so sad, but people are walking around sick and they don't even know it.

What's worse is that some do know and are keeping it to themselves and still out there doing whatever they want. Feeling that drugs are so good it doesn't matter what they get because it can be taken care of. :-(

This is so very sad and disappointing.

It makes me not want to touch or bother anyone ever again. It makes me cringe at times. That before I even kiss someone I have to go get them tested and go with them, cause people are so unreliable and liars.

People please be careful...don't do anything. Don't trust anyone unless you can trust them. I don't know too many people that you can do that with nowadays, but just be cautious.


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