Friday, January 18, 2013


So I woke up at 3am, and I swear my sheets were WET!!!!

It wasn't a wet dream or anything like, but it was a cold sweat.

I woke up with the hardest hardon I've hand in a long time. I mean it could cut steel. I can feel my dick tearing through some ass and mouth and so much more. I AM SO HORNY...I WANT SOME SEX!!! I NEED IT!!!!

I cannot go out and just do what I want. I refuse to risk getting an STD/STI or just sleeping with someone just for the hell of it.

I want to be in love and have that bond.

I had the craziest was so hot and carnal and wild. Of course it was random, but at the very end I saw my man Race Cooper who always reminded me of Van. I need a boyfriend...hell I'll even take a girlfriend.

I know it is wrong to say, but I need someone who I can be with to take my mind off of Van. I know it is just me putting a wall up and over that part of my heart, but it is needed. Sometimes I miss him so much...other times it is like there is a yearning for him, but i don't feel it cause i am just busy doing stuff.

I don't know what I'm going to do...but I am going to go back out there and date and just work hard.

Time to get my day started I guess.


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