Saturday, October 13, 2012


So for some reason I woke up at 5am. To be honest the heat was on real hard, and I woke up sweating, and feeling dry and dehydrated.

So I am guessing my body was dying for some fluids, and it got some. It was not a game.

Anyway I want to ask you guys a question. It is something that happens to be of interest to me.

As you know even though I am friends with people of all walks of life and all religious beliefs I am a Christian. I love my Jesus and that is all there is too it...can't leave the best man and best thing to ever happen to me.

So I am getting mixed reviews of people who will and won't have sex before (after doesn't really matter too much) church. I am one of those men who believe it is ok to have sex before church. I mean it doesn't matter to me...if I am in a committed relationship like I was with Van where we were in love and tottally committed it didn't seem like a problem to me.

Now that I think about it we were like a married couple in body, mind, and spirit from the very beginning. From that first kiss something happened. I say it was God cementing something, but that is for another post.

Now Van said that when he gets totally comfortable with his sexuality and who he really is completely, both spiritually and physically that he wouldn't have a problem with sex before church.

Now when I say church I mean Sunday Service, and any other day that there are plans to head to church. So in my church that means Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Now with Van that wouldn't be a problem...maybe just Sunday. My friend D is different. He just says that when he is going to church he wants to get himself ready for the task at hand.

I find that interesting. It seems to be pretty split. From straight couples to gay couples it is a hit and miss discussion. It seems it really comes down to personal choice and some will have no problem and others will want to abstain especially right before.

Where do you guys stand???

Also would love to see how other religions answer this before and after your religious service or gathering??


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