Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why Does The Church Treat Gay People So Differently?

So I was up at 3am this morning talking via Skype and then oovoo. I was doing conference calls with some of the kids that I mentor. What motivates this post is that these kids are hurting, broken, and honestly one-sided.

The funny thing is that they are all church kids.

Not all of them are gay. Some are just really different...they don't fit the stereotypes that their parents and church would hold for them and are treated very unfairly.

I am focusing on the gay issue cause it seems when it comes to everything church folk are quick to attack gays. Not all of them of course. Just the ones who are religious and believe that if you don't do things that they feel is right than you are all the way wrong.

So honestly a big part of it is that the church has this principality that has been ingrained over the years. It is changing, and it is evident on the number of people leaving church in droves.

To the church being gay is the very worst thing you can do and be. The church is taught to be nonjudgmental, but we are the most judgemental, most critical, most hateful, and most condescending.

I am going to use Van as an example cause his words and story give me the most pause. How can you raise someone, love them, cherish them, pour into them, and pray for them...yet you find out they are gay and you turn them away. You cast them out. Now this has never happened...Van is so paranoid that his family would find out and do something that I believe that is also a part in our end.

I mean I was getting very close to his family and friends...not because I pushed to be, but because deep down he was letting me be. He was bringing me in cause of who I am to him.

I never worried about anything like that. Thank God for the family that I have...I have it easy. :-)

I mean there are so many people that have so much going against them who aren't even gay. There are people strung out on drugs, alcohol, and more. Why the church so quick to attack gay people?!?!? It's the mentality. The fruits that have been born of this backward teaching has produced nothing but negativity.

Also I got a phone call from some of my musician friends last week. They work with a lot of artist in the gospel and CCM industry. They have told me that 80% of the music that people love, worship and praise to come from gay writers, producers, and/or artist. So gay people have been part of God's work for years!!!!!

I know the names and the songs, but some people maybe vindictive and try to do them harm and cause a war. So I am not going to name any of them, but this is real people. My friends are on tour with these with these people. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE SEE IT?!?!?!?!!?

Cause they don't want to. People like to live and put God into a anything outside of that gets no attention and dismissed. Look up the reticular activating system (RAS) -- It will give you some more information and science behind what I am talking about.

Now some people cannot get past the scriptures, and they shouldn't. But we also have to acknowledge the bible, and where and what is going on. We are at a place now where we don't have all the answers and can go forward and find them. We don't have to accept someone elses' interpretation...we are all at the place where we can do our own thinking.

A good amount of people know that the KJV of the bible is actually a translation of a translation and was put together not for religious reasons, but for political ones. But yet people default to it, because it is comfortable and what they know.

No one will accept surgical, scientific, medical, academic, and more practices from those times because we learn, grow, and know better, but when it comes to the bible we have this innate fear that we cannot grow and learn. We have to accept whatever limits we place on ourselves.

My purpose in life is to get people to take off the limits and live as God has intended us to

Now some scriptures for you guys:

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man has sex with a man as he does with a woman, both of them have done something that is abhorrent. They must be put to death; they are responsible for their own deaths." Message Bible

This is one of the go to scriptures that people go to. Now this is why knowing shit and not having real knowledge and wisdom can do some real harm. But that is the abomination scripture.

Leviticus 20:10 "“If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—the wife, say, of his neighbor—both the man and the woman, the adulterer and adulteress, must be put to death."

Leviticus 20:18 “If a man sleeps with a woman during her period and has sex with her, he has uncovered her ‘fountain’ and she has revealed her ‘fountain’—both of them must be cut off from their people.

There is so much more that I can include in not only that chapter, but other ones as well. The church will all gang up on LGBT and leave alone the others. Why?? Cause they don't have the right spirit. Now some will say that when Jesus came we were free from the old law, and Leviticus was book for the holy men of the time. It was for the "priest" of the day...not so much the lay person.

People will of course jump to Romans 1:18-32. Now if you really read the story and not just one or two lines you will see that these are men and women who knew God and turned away from him. That God turned them from their natural desires.

Someone like me who was born and have always been attracted to men and women feels nothing wrong. I have always been sexually drawn to both...more men than women. Van has always been attracted to men.

He has always said that if he can be who he is and have his family in his life than he is set...but he is one the few who ties his wagon on who God is to what his family say God is. Makes sense...our boxes and limitations get handed down to us from generation to generation.

At least his brother and sister are more spiritually aware...they don't seem as religious and dogmatic. They seem more in tune and willing to flow...of course for them it is easy being straight. they don't have the same stigma and psychological stuff going on.

Well this post turned out longer than I wanted. I just wanted to air out some stuff and Van came into it. I do miss him, but it is just me. I never thought I'd be in this position. Missing someone who doesn't thing twice about me...God work it out!!!


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