Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Religion vs. Spirituality

So this is not a new debate, but one that has been heating up a lot lately.

I have read the bible and continue to do so. The God of the bible is not a religious God...he is a God of spiritual foundation and freedoms.

I have been asked to give a talk on this topic, and I am getting everything in order. I was not looking forward to it at first. I mean most church folk are in fact super religious. A lot of what they believe and say is based off of a doctrine and a dogma.

Anything that separates and condemns a people/person cannot be of God.

I never thought this would be a talk that I would be giving. I so wish I could just live my life in peace and quiet with the love of my life. Living a simple yet extravagant life. :-)

In other news last night I mentored someone on some relationship issues. Took me awhile, but I finally got through. His situation is similar to mine. It was a great talk, and he was very happy. Said he was going to tell more and more people about me.

Sounds like another possible career. :-)

At the very end it turned to God. He was so sad cause he was told his whole life that he isn't doing the right thing and blah blah blah.

I just cannot deal all these people doing damage in the name of God!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?!

So I gave him spirituality and God 101. We will talk again and get more into what it means to be a man of God...a child of God. :-)

I am so happy to be living in my purpose. God is so real, and I just want people to know that.

So now back to listening to my Sister Act...just finished and it brought back such good memories. :-P

I have a question for all of you: What do you do when God has such high things for you that your part in it is so monumentous that it gives you a headache?? That is my current dilemna.

I have yet to find a good business to buy yet, but I have found a great property to buy. Just gotta get my lawyer to draft some papers. This business thing has a lot of moving parts. Smh.

I hope you all are doing great!!! I also started a blog for my business, that I've left to the side for a long time. Going to get back into it...gotta raise the game. And that means staying super motivated.


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