Friday, April 5, 2013

Ignorant Ass "Christians" Better Yet CHURCH FOLK!!!

I'm confused...why is it that church folk swear that everything that comes out of their mouth is pure Gospel!!!

I just don't understand...

Some of you may be asking why I am so mad. I'll tell you. I was out with some people and it was beautiful. I could see all the stars. It was really great.

So I mentioned I always have a hard time identifying the constellations and I used to be able to identify the North Star, but now I couldn't.

Some smart ass who calls himself a "Christian" who will be referred to as Church Folk got all in my face. Started saying all this nonsense about how Astronomy is of the devil and it is evil and that I should repent right away.

I didn't have to come down so hard on the guy but I needed to get my point across. I was a bit nasty now that I think about it.

The main points I gave him is that Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences that we have. It has been practiced just as long if not longer than medical sciences. The stars and such have been used for weather foretelling, agriculture, festivals, and holidays. Many things we base alot of what we do and use today.

But now as I think about it, it isn't totally his fault. He has been fed ignorance, bigotry, and stupidity his whole life. On the other hand he is a grown man and is held responsible for his actions...especially coming after me.

I'm starting to see why ppl say what they say about the Church. Ignorant ass people need to shut the hell up!!!

Crazy ass people.

Forgive my rant...I needed to get it out, and I don't do it very often. I try to let it slide, but he was coming for me, so I had to go for his neck.

God forgive me for being so cruel...I coulda and shoulda handled it differently. I'm getting better...he caught me at a weak moment. No excuse I know...but I will do better.


P.S. I love my Thursday night run down...SCANDAL, GREYS ANATOMY, ELEMENTARY, AND GLEE!!!!! My Thursday nights are set!!!!

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