Monday, April 15, 2013

My Heart Goes Out to All Those Affected By The Boston Explosion

SO by now all of you (at least the ones in USA) know that there were 2 explosions in Boston. Which is weird cause I was suppose to be there this weekend to sing back up for a certain well established artist.

It was going to be a surprise gift to me from someone who wants to be my agent. Still might go down. The superstar is suppose to be Celine I hope that it works out if not there will be other opportunities.

I am reminded of me singing at my graduation and getting applauded and mad love from Kathlene Battle...STILL SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT!!!!

But I know that those plans have changed for me. And I am not mad about that...there is real trouble going on in Boston so me missing out on one opportunity isn't even important.

In other news I went to a business networking event/workshop. It is what it is. I wasn't blown away, but I met some great people and I know what I need to do to get ready for the next one.

I got invited to sing in a opera chorus...Verdi's Ernani. This is cool, because it gives me first dibs at lead and supporting rolls in future productions. Yay for me!!!!

So things are moving along.

I got asked if I was dating or in a relationship. I said no to the relationship and yes that I am dating when someone comes my way and they are interesting (a guys gotta have something to do to keep himself busy...still celibate though...not easy but doing it).

I just need to be with someone who has something going on with them who is cool enough to know that though we are dating they are not a priority priority. They have to earn that role in my life...can't just give it over to someone else.

I have to say that stepping into all this unknown is kinda freaking me out, but I am so excited. I just finished talking to and counseling my friends A & D...I so miss having that kinda love. That total love and devotion. That even though you piss me off I still want you love. That I want to know all that you are now and all that you will be kinda love. God work it out!!!! :-D

Now going on social media silence in respect to the Boston bombing.


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