Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Churchianity vs. Christianity

This is a concept that I have been working on for a speech/talking engagement that I have been asked to give.

Still fleshing out the details, but it is going to be good.

I think I am suited to talk about it. I not only have been in church all my life, but I have been in more denominations than I can count. I have been to a fair amount of all the major Christian denominations...the other ones are scattered.

It is hard with 30,000 to visit them all.

I marvel at the thought of all of them that I have been to. But I have seen this thing that has been coined "Churchianity" vs. what we should be following which is Christianity. There are going to be a lot of ruffled feathers, but it's cool.

I am suppose to speak at a COGIC church, PAW, UHCA, Lutheran, and Catholic church. Over teh course of a month. Need to step up my game to take this to the next level...speaking professionally is cool...maybe a book is in order soon enough.

I am going to bed cause today was too awesome. I want to give you guys this gift. It's a blog post from another blog that I came across. Should be interesting. I think minus the acid thrown at fundamentalist she comes across with some very good points.



Mini Miracles

An interesting thing happened to me at work today. I was slicing meat when I  needed to sharpen the blade on the slicer. My hands were greasy and I made the mistake of not washing them before starting the task. As I was pushing the sharpening stone against the blade my hand slipped. My thumb went right into the blade that was rotating at a very high speed. The tip of my thumb should have been cut off, but to my surprise not even a nick was left on my skin. Was it luck? Was it a fluke? No, I believe it was a kind gesture of grace and protection from God. A mini miracle if you will.....

It brought to mind an incident that occurred while I was in hardcore active addiction about six years ago. I was a shady meth head at the time and decided to rip this guy off for half an ounce. He showed up with an 8-ball to my disappointment but I decided to jack him up anyway. I had a taser which I pressed to his chest. The thing didn't work though! Thank God because it was on the highest setting and could have killed him. Imagine going to jail on a murder beef over meth...geez I was crazy!!! Anyway the guy pulled out a knife which he forcefully thrust into the side of my torso three times and my leg twice. He ran away as I screamed from the back of the car I was in. I thought for sure I was going to die. I reached my hand to my side which should have been soaked with blood from the punctures in my body. Amazingly there was NO blood!! Not even a a scratch or a bruise from the force of all five blows. Divine intervention for sure!

My question to the fundamentalist, right wing homophobic Christians is this: if God hates gays so much why did He and does He continue to protect me from these kinds of things? Well, sorry to rain on your hate parade but He loves me just as much as He loves you. On the above occasions the Lord has spoken to my heart and said, "My grace is sufficient". The Lord loves me, a lesbian, and has saved me from death numerous times.

If you are struggling with accepting Gods love for you because you`re gay or an alcoholic or anorexic. If you`ve been told that God won`t accept you if you`re a man who wears womens clothing or because you`ve stolen or cheated on an exam. These are all lies! God accepts people exactly where they are and no matter what they`ve done. I mean look at me, I`m living proof of that. Don`t believe what so called people of God tell you. Often people say things in the name of God that He doesn`t stand by. If it`s not a message of love, grace and acceptance then it`s false.

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