Saturday, June 2, 2012

Graduation Party!!!!

So I get invited to Van's graduation party.

It was so much was a scary thing for him to do, but he did it and I am proud of him.

His family to me were cool...they young kids were all real cool and chill and we exchanged info. I mean they can hang with me anytime...not all of them are down for what I am, and I am not down for everything they are, but we find a middle ground.

The adults on the other hand seemed different. I am not sure, but I think it went ok. His mom even gave me a shout out for my birthday...that was a nice surprise. So since no one came and cornered me and asked me questions I assume that I will be talked about...

If I am then I am...I went to support Van, and have a great time and I did. If they got something to say about me it is nothing new. You cannot please everyone, and people will talk about you left and right.

I have to say that he was looking so damn fine today. I had to control myself, and not look to much.

Anyway we all went out and it was a nice time. Of course he was done with the scene after awhile, but that is ok. I know that he would've been happier at home reading and listening to opera. That is more his scene, but I also know he likes to hang out and have a good time.

It is just that because he was with family he fell into his normal routine. Not a problem...we all have certain things we do around certain people.

God why was he looking so damn fine today. I just wanted to pull him somewhere private and kiss him. I wanted to follow him when he went to be alone and just lay one on him...but I didn't. I was very well behaved. :-)

I must say that I am happy that he ask me to come, and let me come. Even if his family has something to say, and they cause some drama I can take care of myself, and so can he. More importantly together nothing is too much for us to handle.

So I am home and waiting for him to call me. I am looking forward to speaking with him. He said he wants us to have some just me and him time, and I am good with that. It is suppose to be on Monday after work, and I want to know if that is still going on.

I hope it is...I wanna just spend time with him. Spending time with his family and friends and seeing that I am accepted and welcomed with open arms is a real nice feeling. Of course I don't know where the adults stand, but at least I am having an awesome time with the youth.

Seems like Van is accepted in my family, and I am in his (how much is to be seen, but still I get the seal of approval.)

Now to look for food while I wait for this man to call me.


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