Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trouble Among the Vocalist

So I am getting phone calls and texts of nothing but drama coming from my old campus and the voice department. The head of the department who can't teach voice worth a damn is going above and beyond to kick out the top talent.

I am going to be there tomorrow cause I have work to do and I have music to perform. I need to see what the hell is going on and see what it is that I can do to help and keep the peace.

So I am going to be there from 7am to 7pm and then the drive home.

I gotta see what it is that I can do.

I am reaching the point where all I want is some rest. My best girl friend went to Antigua for a few weeks, another guy friend is going down to Virginia. My parents are going to Barbados and then Trinidad, and I am suppose to be going to Italy this summer.

But the summer isn't coming fast enough. I just met a guy online who is med school. He is going to Johns Hopkins and we talked for awhile. He made me think of Van and what is going on with him. I do wonder how things are going with him.

If he wants to get incontact with me he can. There are a number of ways to get in contact with me if needed.

So let me get ready for tomorrow. Gotta pack some stuff...like my music. I gotta get ready to SING!!!! :-)

Got auditions and competitions coming up...need to get ready.

God bless!!


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