Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Notebook

So I have nothing really to update you guys on.

Things have been going very slow. Well today has been a super slow day...I didn't get much done. My fault. I was not motivated at all. I know...I suck.

But tomorrow is a new day and I am already doing some work now getting ready for tomorrow. Going to take a lil break when I watch Law & Order: SVU.

The reason I titled this post the Notebook was because it was on cable and I watched it. First time watching it. At first it was a very sad story, but the ending was very...interesting. Not sure how to feel about it, but I think I am more in the I love it camp.

I shouldn't have watched it...had me thinking and missing Van so much. I mean it actually had me flash back to some very nice times with him. Why do I keep thinking about him?? I was walking along the path in nature and I saw a baby beaver, and a few deer grazing in the grass.

I think that I have to get out these feelings and emotions in productive ways...I wrote a song about love. I let these strangers hear it at an open mike. I got a standing ovation, and there were tears. I think that this maybe the best thing for get these feelings out.

I feel from what I saw in the Notebook was something that I can really relate to. 7 years they spent apart and then found each other again...through it all. :-)

I am a hopeless romantic.

Even now I wanna call him and talk to him. I wanna write him a letter. :-)

I won't though...I know that I should. I know the right thing to do is to fight for him...but. I'm scared...such a punk. I know.

Lemme finish this, watch this show, and then back to my bible.


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