Friday, March 15, 2013

Relationship Advice Relearned

Choose the person who makes you better...not the better person.

What I mean by that is you will meet people on paper that seem great. Great job, great money, family, and more. They seem like the best and most likely choice, because you know if you take them around people you will be able to just let them be.

One way to think of this is being with someone who matches your list down to a T.

But the other side of it is someone who also has a lot of what you want and need, but they bring out the best in you. They challenge you. They never accept or allow you to settle and just be. They push you to be more, do more, accomplish more. They help you look at the world in new exciting ways.

I cannot think of anything more dreadful than seeing the world the same way 5 years from now than I do today. I also cannot think of something more horrible than being with someone who doesn't challenge you, push you, and make you grow.

That is one thing my father always said to look for. Someone who can be a partner and an asset. Not someone who is great for looks, or someone who is good for the moment.

That is all for now. Time for a nap...TIRED!!!


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