So yesterday was an awesome day.
I didn't make it to church because I had my brother and his girlfriend staying over, and I had to drive them home. I didn't want to rush them so I decided to miss morning service and made plans for evening service.
It was a play, but still it was good, and I got a good message talking to one of the elders.
It was also good that, that morning I had gotten blessed above and beyond, so when I went to church it was icing on top of the cake.
The good ting about yesterday is that I went to go see my friend whom I haven't seen in 7 years. She is married now, and it is funny cause we used to mess around a little bit. She is so awesome...she is a Broadway singer/performer and is in the city for auditions.
So I met up with her to talk and catch up, and she was a breath of fresh air. I have to make my way out to Michigan and go see her. Apparently she lives where Kelloggs is headquartered. She said that cause for the life of me I was confused where she lived. :-)
She kept saying she lived in a place called Kalamazo years ago...I swore she was lying.
It was so nice catching up with her, and just being in her presence. I cannot wait to see her again before she leaves. I am going to have her look at my performing resume and make sure everything is in order.
Gotta get them headshots!!!!!!
The other great thing that GOd did for me was allow me to meet up with my friend and his wife. Not only did we have a great time watching TV, but we also had a very stimulating conversation about church, politics, life, love, human rights, and sexuality.
Well I am not going to get into the whole conversation...and how it all went. That should be another 2 blog post.
But the bottom line on what God did to open my eyes is to tell me through that conversation that I should trust my heart.
I used to talk to people about LGBT and walking with God which is stupid cause God has never had a problem with his LGBT children. But I used to show that how the bible never really taught that, and show the proof.
But what I started to see was that no matter what people are going to see and hear what they want to see and hear. I mean people will always and have used the bible to do good and do harm. No matter what...that is not my intention.
My intention is show the true Spirit of God as a follower of Christ.
So now I tell people I could show you actual hardcore proof that shows what I am telling is the truth, but that doesn't do anything. I know lead from the heart and let God really use me. I instead of show how all their teachings are wrong or flawed, so how to be like Christ and lead from their hearts and consciousness.
I think that is where I went wrong with Van. I tried to show him things that he was not willing or ready to accept when it came to the bible. What I should've done was appealed to his spirit, heart, and humanity. That is what makes us all who we is the thing that I loved the most about him.
I mean can anyone say that Christ would be around today and judge and condemn and treat people the way they are treated now?? I think now...I think that when we really ask WWJD (what would Jesus do?) that we have to face some things that we would rather not.
I mean just in that short time I can see me becoming a better leader, and a better visionary.
I just thank God for all he is doing in my life...for all he is and all he continues to do.
God bless and enjoy the rest of the day.
P.S. My best friend and I had a great convo about relationships and what I am looking for. We both agreed that Van had a lot of the things that would make him someone to look out for. Van was so good for me in so many ways and I him...but again that religious thing is no joke. I miss him, but I got work to do. I am putting the relationship stuff to the side and focusing on my career and finances and walk with God. I do miss him and more as a friend than anything, but I am sure whatever happens God is already working it out. :-)
P.P.S. Can you imagine me doing radio, TV, and internet interviews?!?!?! Just wait...soon I'm going to be everywhere baby!!!!!
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