Watching La Traviata by Verdi on PBS with some friends, and we are making noise.
It is so much fun...what is also fun is that I got all the music to sing for that choir. All opera stuff and oratorio stuff.
I cannot lie...I am excited to get started, and I will show it to my voice teachers and vocal coach, and begin working on them. I figure it can't hurt to get more opera rep under my belt.
On a side note, my kids are having an awesome time on their vacation...I wish I was with them.
They told me they talked to Van, and one of them mentioned my name. I told them that the last thing he wants to do is hear my name and even think of me.
Van wants to pretend like I never happened, and act as if I don't exist.
So I told them to keep a line open to him if he keeps it open to them, and just to keep my name out of their mouth talking to him.
They asked me even if it is really bad news or good news?? I told them that if it is really good news why would he care about well-being isn't his concern. I can make a difference and help the lives of millions of people and make a huge difference, and he would talk against me and discredit me.
And if it is bad news he might go ahead and say that I am being punished by God, and that I am a bad person and this is suppose to happen to me.
Even though I told them that, I don't really feel that in my spirit, but it is easier to believe he doesn't even remember or care about me.
I hope they listen...I don't want them to burn any bridges...if they can act like I don't exist then all will be well.
BTW, this opera is sick. I cannot wait for my chance to do it one day. I always wonder how it will work with me as a black man, but I am sure there will be a way.
Hopefully someone will write a few new operas for black people like they did for Porgy and Bess, and hopefully they write an opera for black characters with a modern twist. We shall see...but you know what they say.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
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