Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Night for STUDYING!!!!!

So I am here and this is the last night for studying. Tomorrow is my last final, and then a week and 1/2 later is graduation and I am done. I will be a graduate and I will be moving on with my life.

One chapter done, and the next one is about to start.

Sitting here with Van, and we are acting like old times minus the "loving" part. That is cool...I figured I will have to go get a replacement for him real soon.

I figure I can go to Kelly Temple within the next few weeks, and then I can no longer feel this need to hop on this man's ass.

Now I am off to study.

Expect some more posts throughout the night. I may need to unload if this man keeps on bothering me, and also to just let out some steam.


P.S. He is already talking about my smell...which I smell very good and he knows it too!!!!!!

P.P.S. He told me about how some store clerk is coming at him for some love. Let this negro let some other man touch him...I AM GOING TO FREAK OUT!!! But I will deal with it, because as his friend that is what I can do.

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