Hello All,
Today was such an interesting day. It wasn't bad, but it was just...interesting.
First I get to the city later than I wanted...it was scary driving the Taconic since I was tired and dozing off. Had to keep myself awake, but I obviously managed.
Then I get here and my surgeon friend calls me. I am not sure if you guys remember, but he is the same guy who I was talking to when my mom went into the hospital. He calls me because he sees me driving around looking for a park, so I pick him up.
Then we chill and he ask how much time do I have to kill. I tell him about 5 hours or so. It honestly was less time, cause I had music to go over and write and work to do, but still. Any distraction is a good one. :-)
So he says he knows of this place in Jersey, but he wants to take his car. I said cool. This man puts my car into a parking lot and takes out his. It is a new 2013 BMW and I swear it was so roomy that I could move in there!!!!
So he takes me to some restaurant called Texas something in NJ...I cannot remember the name for the life of me, but the food was so GOOD!!!!!
Anyway I asked him why he wasn't at work and he said that he isn't on call today so I am all his. I liked that.
Then we just spoke about life, love, dreams, fears, concerns, goals, relationships, etc.
I learned a lot about him. I didn't realize this, but he is a darker version of Van. I mean from his story down to his love of music especially classical and jazz. I have to admit that I was very intrigued. He said he is gay and COGIC.
I was a little nervous at this point and looking for a way out. I was like I cannot deal with that again...I cannot deal with another closet religious case. I was so proven wrong. He said when he got into medical school he told his family.
Some still aren't too happy, but he demands that at the very least if they don't like it they respect him. He said it took him a long time to get to where he is right now. I did think of Van at that moment...but I pushed him out and focused.
If I didn't know better this could be Van in surprise, but in the future. He did say that he didn't have a love for medicine like that anymore and wanted to do more public health and outreach work. That, that is where his passion really lies. He only did what he did cause his family wanted him too, and they never made him forget that he said he wanted to be a doctor.
(For those of you who know Van's story...THIS GUY IS TELLING IT!!!! FREAKY!!!!!!)
So we finish eating and I tell him that I have a child to teach, a friend's bday to go celebrate with a quick drink (mine was water and lemon and lime...getting ready to sing, and to sing in an opera rehearsal). He was cool and said he wanted to see me again.
I said I didn't think I would be your type...I mean I am not the best thing out there and men and women would be happy to swipe you up.
He said something Van had told me a few times before: that there is something about me...about my smile, my spirit, my heart. He said he wants to be around that more. That I force him to do, be, share, and love more. I was flattered, but still stuck on stupid.
He said I am so sincere and so nice. He also called me safe. I was ready to punch him in his lip for that one, but I held it in.
So he said he wanted to see me again. I said ok. I didn't have sex with...believe me I wanted to. I mean he is built like a rock, smart, intelligent, so sincere. I did kiss him goodbye...it was beautiful. I am not sure if it was because I was thinking of someone else who he reminded me of, or if it was just because to be touched and wanted is a powerful thing...which it is.
I think it is a combo of both. He wanted to know more about Van like his last name and stuff. I of course told him nothing...I said it doesn't matter. I told him that it makes no sense telling him details about him. All that does is remind me that I was thrown away like trash and forgotten. He said he understood.
The kid was good by the way. Nice and easy. I always get the real smart ones that just need a little adjusting. I miss having the real hard cases...they are the ones that you can really test your skills and develop new approaches.
Didn't stay too long with my friends for the bday drink, but I showed my face and they appreciated it.
Chorus rehearsal was AMAZING!!!!!!! I sang out for the first time today and one of the person's in charge came up to me and told me to learn an aria and sing it for the head of the department. I am getting looks and I must say that I am so happy about that.
Also there is that guy who wants me to sing for him and I need to get my sight reading better, which thanks to this opera company it is. My sight reading is getting so much better and the guy said he wants me to bring him some tenors who have classical training who love gospel music. I have to find those people.
But I need to get my stuff together for this opera company and the other music company and the producer wants this song. I got work to do people.
Anyway back to the sexy doctor man.
So in the end this man wants to be my man. I think I may let him. The good thing is that he is busy like 4-5 days a week at work until he leaves and does his public health and outreach part of things. That works cause I am working on building something myself. I want someone who can give me time, but also got shit going on for themselves.
I don't really see a future with this guy. I mean he is his own person, but he is much like Van that I think about him constantly. I feel like Olivia Pope in Scandal...who btw is another person I want to meet. That chick is BAD!!!!!!!!
P.S. Got on facebook and Tonex aka Brian Slade had a video of him just on the piano playing around and singing a little bit. I SWEAR THAT WAS VAN!!!! I mean even the way he tilted his head and bit his lip, and some of the runs. I don't know what the hell is going on, but I ain't about this shit!!! :-P
P.P.S. Scandal and Grey's Anatomy had me stuck on stupid last night...especially Scandal. I'm going to meet Shonda Rhimes...if I can meet Quincy Jones and Clive Davis (even though it was for a second) I can meet her...and Oprah. Just cause.
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