So much I want to do and accomplish, but for some reason things seem to be moving so slowly.
I know that it is a process and I have to pay my dues, but OMG...I am dying with anticipation.
I think what I am going to do in the meantime is see about becoming a teacher. I mean I get good pay and benefits and really great vacation time. So I cannot be mad at that.
Of course, I am still going to work on my other stuff...all my mentors say the samething. Take care of today's cashflow needs first, and then worry about building wealth for tomorrow later.
I am so ready for this time in my life to be over. I just got over so much drama and learned to deal and accept so many things. I mean that is why so many people from so many different Christian denominations and backgrounds all love the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
I have a lot of work to do you guys. I have a lot of great things coming up, and I just need to stay diligent and keep working hard. Not easy, but it is worth it.
On that note, I am off to bed...gotta get ready for a busy day tomorrow.
P.S. My friends Jeff and Paul in Europe are living the good life, and their kids Keith and Donny are AWESOME!!!! I so want them to come and visit...I need them back in my life. :-)
P.P.S. My pastor friend was being pushed to make a anti-gay statement, so he chose the most bland and easy one he could think of according to him. He choose one in support of Chick Fil A for their statements, and he said that got some heat off of him. It is so sad when we have to cover up and do something we don't want to just to keep attention off of ourselves, but I understand. It isn't easy...not at all. His partner isn't happy about that comment he made, but I am sure they will make up. :-)
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