Sunday, April 22, 2012

God is still GREAT!!!

Today at church was interesting. As soon as I got in the building and took my seat I started to cry. I just asked God why?!?!?! WHY ME?!?!?!!?!?

I guess we all ask that question every once and a while.

The thing that really sucks is that he just accepts what he is doing is right without thinking. I mean I go out look for answers, ask questions...and more importantly I look everywhere and don't judge or form an opinion without hearing all arguements.

He just accepts that what he is doing is right and just. I am not sure where, but there is a scripture in Revelations I believe where it talks about "Christians" who believe they are doing the right thing, and are high and mighty about it.

No way is right except for theirs and they have the answers. It talks about them going to hell, because they assumed that what they were taught or knew was right...instead of seeking and developming a real relationship they had a crowd mentality.

I have to laugh, because at this point and time Van would go ahead and say PREACH!!!! LMAO!!! That would really be interesting...

I keep telling myself that this is what is best for him. That he really believes that this will help him get into heaven, even if there is no proof, and no evidence to it. But the fact he believes it and holds onto it, everything will be colored by it. So I prayed that God keep him safe, happy, and at peace. I also prayed that God wipe me from his that he can go back the way he was before...they way his family is forcing him into.

So sad really...he tells me all the problems and issues with the church, but I see him following along. I asked him why follow and just do it...he told me it is what he knows. Funny thing traps us even when we know better.

Right now I am at peace, but I miss him so much. I want to kiss him, hold him, get in that ass LOL. Had to throw that one in.

I cannot explain it, and I cannot begin to try, but God sent that man into my life. We had all the cards against us meeting, and happening, but it still went down. His safe guards and mine were wiped away. God had something in store for us...

I feel like calling him...I really want to see him tomorrow at school, but I feel he is going to be avoiding me. I just don't know.

My mother and father both told me, that some people can see a way out, and not take it. They can see freedom, release, joy, and greater peace than they ever imagined. But they won't take it because it is a new way of living. They won't take it, because it is scary...they won't take it because some people are just used to the chains that bound them.

Not saying he is bound, but he really believes that everything he is taught right. It makes no sense to can love be wrong. How can commitment, passion, and dedication be wrong. I cannot do anything more, but go forward.

My motto when it comes to him is as long as he says he is happy and at peace I will believe it. I just feel for him...being gay and living in a house where gay bashing occurs. Being in a house and a community where you don't feel comfortable being honest and upfront...not even to your family...not even to those who call you friend, and trust you with so much of themselves.

That is a lonely life...not a spirit filled one. Not in my book anyway. I guess things will go back to the way they were before. His family will be pulling his strings, he will always be hiding and lying to himself, and it will be an ok life. At least church should be interesting...he believes that church is where you really get good stuff. I hope his family learns to love and accept him.

Time to eat and plan my day tomorrow. Got a lot to do. Gotta stay busy or else Van will creep up back in.


P.S. It still amazes me that he believes you cannot be gay and saved when he has been gay and saved his whole life. He has had gay and saved people pray with and for him and he feels blessed. He has been fellowshipping with them since he was born. Lesbians, and Gays have been in his life and teaching him. The fact is that he has been gay his whole life even though he tried to supress and hide it, and saved. He just never realized it.

P.P.S. To make it even more funny he is the typical DL closet gay christian...AND HE IS THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC!!!! Who said God doesn't have a sense of humor. When his family finds out there will be hell, but this is the same person he has always been. IT"S STUPID!!!

P.P.P.S. My rant is over...time to go.


  1. If he don'e want you then I am looking for a good man. Let him suffer alone and be out of the will of God. I know a good man when I see one. He seems like the type to hurt a lot of people because he is scared and insecure.

    1. LMFAO!!!!! Thanks for that, but it is not necessary. He is doing what he feels he must. I cannot fault him for that.

      I will always love him, but it is what it is.

  2. Man it is going to be alright. Samething happened to me, and we got back together a year later. We are stronger and better than ever, and the religious thing isn't a problem. He got the revelation that he was looking for.

    God is so good that we are getting married in 3 months. God willing you will be getting married to your man soon enough.

    1. I did tell him he had a boomerang thing going on...but if it is meant to be then it will be. I miss him so much. I want to just be with him.

      I would like our story to resemble yours...time will tell. His family is already putting their hooks deeper into him, and trying to have as many things to occupy him as possible.

      God is going to have to show up and out.

  3. I did the same thing to my ex, and I ended up having sex with someone else. I got aids because of it. I was so stupid, and now I am paying the price. I hope he wizens up soon, and realizes he has everything he always wanted and needs with you.

    God Bless you.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that, and I hope he doesn't have to go through something traumatic to wake up.

      I just wish his family would do what a real christian and true family is suppose to and love their child. I swear he questions their "Christian" character sometimes, but he just accepts it.

      He has to make the change.

  4. He is me like 30 years ago. I got married to a woman and had 5 kids with her. We had a horrible marriage that I tried to hold onto, because I am a child of a broken home.

    My kids hate me, but we are building something great now. My family still tries to control me, and my ex-wife is trying to take me for everything I have. If I was smart I would've stayed where I was...I was blessed and happy. I just let fear and doubt seep in.

    If I can implore you stay true to who you are. Love that man still with everything. I just hope he doesn't get punished too bad for being wrong. Love is never wrong. If he is so worried about going to hell then he should be seeking more answers instead of figuring he has all the answers.

    I am now with my some other guy, and we are happy, but no one loves me like Jesus and first love. That is the one thing I wish I could fix.

    1. You sound like you have some knowledge and you are a whole lotta fun. I am in the BX now too...maybe we can hang and chill. Even if you are crazy and a killer it'd be hard to take me down..I'd be worried for my ex though.

      One of our teachers told me he went back and forth like this till his mid-40s. That would suck ass for him to go through it that long, but some people are stubborn and Van is nothing if not stubborn.

      He'll fight and fight, until he gets it. I want him to get it now, but that is me. Everything in God's time. Now back to my movie, and then some work. I gotta stop thinking about him.

      I know he will pop up for the rest of my life...he owns such a big piece of my heart...God has a sick sense of humor sometimes. Why couldn't Van have gone through all this in high school and college. Not the sex part, but the sexual identity stuff.

